

A Lesson in Paradise

I just returned from a week in Cozumel, Mexico, with my husband and good friends.  Before you get angry with me please note that I am now in Illinois where the high today is going to be 17 degrees.  I am no longer in paradise.  The weather was amazing on Cozumel with 80 degree, sunny days.  We stayed at an all-inclusive resort where we could eat and drink everything we wanted for (what seemed like) free!

Usually when I go on vacation I take lots of walks but do not participate in intense workouts.  This year I decided to join my husband on some runs in Mexico.  Nathan ran every day, and I managed to join him for three runs.  The first one was great.  The second one was tough.  The third one I had to quit before we got back to the car.  Nathan and I discovered that when you are eating from an all-you-can-eat buffet for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and your meals are not exactly “plant-based” that running is hell (or at least very very hard).  During one of his runs alone Nathan actually felt like stopping to throw up.  Eating healthy (that magical low fat, high fiber, plant-based diet I preach) feeds into regular exercise.  If we didn’t already have established exercise habits there is no way we would have ran in Mexico.  We realized that people who regularly eat an unhealthy diet must feel awful when they exercise.  Exercise is so much easier when you fuel your body properly.

So now I’m back in Illinois (a.k.a. winter wonderland) and my swimsuits and flip flops are back in storage.  This morning I got the kids on the bus and headed straight to the gym.  I had a wonderful run (indoors due to the possibility of frostbite) followed by a healthy breakfast.  I have been cheerful all day.  Do not underestimate the power of a healthy diet and portion control.  Overeating leads to feeling sluggish and makes intense workout nearly impossible.  Although I miss Cozumel and had an absolutely wonderful time…I gotta say I can’t wait to have a big salad with fruit for lunch.


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